We enjoy cooking when we have that extra time or know we are making a meal with someone or for someone. However, most of the time, during the week we do not feel like cooking. We have appointments or gym time and it can get hectic. In this struggle we are sharing our go to recipes for each meal that we use every week. They take approximately 5 minutes each. In addition, we try to keep our diet healthy and holistic as well as dairy free. Any of these 5 minute healthy recipes can be adjusted for whatever your eating preferences may be. And hopefully they get you on your way to Financial Independence!
Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding 
- 6 Tablespoons of Chia Seeds
- 12-16oz of Almond Milk
- 2 Teaspoons of Honey or Sweetener
- 1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
- Cinnamon, Cocoa Powder or other
- Sliced Almonds (Optional)
- Fresh Fruit (Optional)
Serves 2
- Get two containers or cups that hold 8oz. I prefer a mason jar with a lid for mixing.
- Put 3 Tablespoons of Chia Seeds, 1 Teaspoon of Honey, 6-8oz of Almond Milk (adjust for the consistency of pudding you like) and 1/2 Teaspoon of Vanilla extract in each container.
- Then add your spices on top. These can vary and be anything you feel like. I love a classic cocoa powder and cinnamon, but Turmeric and Chai or Pumpkin Spice and Nutmeg are also yummy options.
- Put the lid on your jar and give it a couple good shakes. If you used a cup, take a fork and make sure to mix well.
- Put in fridge overnight
- Pull out in the morning, stir and top with a crunchy item like sliced almonds and a few berries or eat plain.
You can purchase a bag of chia seeds at Costco for around $8.00 and they will last FOREVER. Chia seeds are considered a super food and can also be used in smoothies, on top of steel cut oats (another go to for us) or even in your water as long as the texture does not bother you.
Rotisserie Chicken Hummus Wraps 
- Shredded Rotisserie Chicken
- Fresh Tortillas of your Choice
- Hummus of your Choice (Any Flavor!)
- Fresh Veggies of your Choice
- Combo 1: Grilled Pepper, Mushrooms and Onions (If you have some time!)
- #2: Spinach, Chives, Mushrooms
- #3: Avocado, Pesto, Spinach (Our Favorite!)
- Sprinkle pepper
Serving Size: Two wraps per person for Lunch or Dinner
- Throw it all together the night before for a super easy lunch option
- You can also make it a little more filling for dinner by adding turkey bacon with the chicken etc.
Purchase a rotisserie chicken at Costco for $9.00. Shred it the second you get home and put it in a container. Use for lunches like this. We also love to add out chicken to a salad kit from Costco for lunch as well.
Loaded Baked Potatoes
- 2 Potatoes (Red, Purple, Yellow etc)
- 1 cup Chopped Spinach
- 2 Tablespoons of Butter
- Crumbled Turkey Bacon
- 1 Chopped Tomato
- Shredded Cheese of our Choice or a Nut based Cheese
- Various Spices- Rosemary, Parsley, Oregano, Garlic, etc.
Serves 2 (Cook one potato per person to feed)
- If you have an Instant Pot this will only take 5 minutes. If you do not, you will have to Bake the potatoes in the oven.
- Instant Pot: Put in bottom grate. Put in 1/2 cup of water and Potatoes on Top. Cook for 5 minutes high pressure. If cooking more potatoes add 1-2 minutes per potatoes.
- Oven: Pre-heat oven to 450Degrees. Wrap potatoes in tinfoil and poke with a fork. Cook for 20-30 minutes or until you can insert fork with no resistance.
- While potatoes are cooking throw your bacon on the stove and cook until crispy.
- Then chop up your veggies and get some spices out
- Pull out potatoes, but in half and set up a “create your own” potatoes line so everyone is happy.
Again you can buy a bag of potatoes at most stores for around $3.99. At Costco the bag is larger and you will pay a bit more, but can easily get 4-8 meals from the bag..maybe even more if you are a two person household like us.
What are you 5 minute healthy recipes that you use regularly? Let us know in the comments below!
1 comment
I would love your 25 go to meals!