If you have not heard yet, one bag travel is the best way to travel. Seriously, the amount of time and effort spent packing and then lugging the items around on your adventure on its own is worth it. For getting started with one bag travel check out my packing tips and packing list here. It does not matter how long the trip is, you can do it in one bag.
I have found that one bag travel for women is rare, or at least not too many people are writing about it. Therefore a series of posts is born! This is #1 in the series where I will show you what I wore packed in my one 40 liter backpack.
In the future you can look forward to posts for what I wore in Montana for 5 Days, Peru for 13 Days, Orlando for 6 days, and a (not yet planned) tropical get away. All the activities will vary from business to hiking – you can still be covered in one bag travel.
**All photos were taken by myself or HisFI.
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The Trip
Over the 4th of July weekend we took a road trip to Crater Lake in Oregon. Our itinerary was full and leaning more towards adventure than rest. It was breath taking and the perfect road trip since the drive is about 5 hours each way.

Road Trip Time!
Day 1
- Drive to Winston Oregon (a slight detour) and check out the Wildlife Safari that works with endangered species and has a significant presence in the global conservation mission. Most animals roam free within the 600 acre park. Cost: $10 per person with Groupon
- Head to our Air BnB Home in Chiloquin and check in- get settled Cost: $266.72 (split with our travel partners) for two nights.
- Panic because we did not buy our tickets early for the hike on Wizard Island (You need to do this)
- Go to Crater Lake Rim Village and see the lake for the first time. No cost for entering the park in the evening.
- Buy the two tickets for the boat tour and hike of Wizard Island. This is the volcano inside a volcano and so worth it!. Cost: $58 per person. If you plan on going, I would just take the shuttle to the Island in the morning and skip the boat tour unless you really love geology.
- Dinner at Annie’s Cafe in the Park (Vegan burger option) One of only two places to eat in the area. Cost: $27 for two people.
Day 2
Note: After Day 1, all other meals we had packed and did not eat out again.
- Head back into the park. Take obligatory photo by the entrance sign.
- Wait in line to get into the park and pay $25 per car.
- Take East Rim Drive halfway around the lake with GORGEOUS views and get to the trail for the boat docks.
- Hike 1.1 miles straight down into the Caldera at Cleetwood Cove and get to the docks. NOTE: You need to check in for the hike at the TOP of the trail ranger station with your receipt from the tickets. Thankfully, they were kind and did not make us go back up the hill.
- Take boat tour around lake- stop for 3 hours at Wizard Island and hike straight up to the top and back to the bay. Panoramic views. Everyone who loves to hike should do it. Back on boat for the remaining 2 hours of the tour around the entire lake.
- Hike back up the 1.1 mile caldera cliff.
- Take the rest of the drive around the rim and stop at Cloudcap Overlook to watch the sunset
- Back to Air BnB tired and ready for bed
Day 3
- Slow and easy morning. We gave up on going back for sunrise and did not want to pay another fee to enter the park.
- We had a view of a different lake from the home and just enjoyed our coffee on the porch.
- Pack up and head out for anther 5 hour drive- Good thing we were prepared with podcast downloads from our favorite peeps.
- Stop and grab a Green Tea Latte at Starbucks. Cost: $12.00
- Stop and get gas: TOTAL Gas cost with a Prius: $50.00
What I Wore: One Bag Travel
Day 1: Stretchy Navy Blue Capri, Toad&Co Grey T-Shirt, Barefoot Sandals (Xero Z-Trail). My day bag/purse holds my camera and lens plus wallet. This is my favorite cross body bag because of the thick strap. I also had a little flannel for the evening when it got cooler.
Evening/Lounge- Since we were traveling with friends and it was such a short trip I made sure to pack some lounge wear. This way after a shower from the days adventures we can all sit around and be comfortable and clothed. 😉 So these were my “PJ’s”.
Day 2: Stretchy workout pants I have had forever and a day, Athleta Pale Lavender Tank, Vivo Barefoot Trail Runners (My new favorite hiking shoe) and my NorthFace Fleece for the boat ride. We almost always use a Tom Bihn backpack for the day pack. This fits our water bottles, camera gear, and snacks we may need-plus jackets when we get warm.
Day 3: Easy day of lounging, packing and driving so I wore again- some old leggings, my barefoot sandals, white T-shirt, and the same flannel I wore on Day 1. I am also hiding a sunburn in this photo as the 50spf on my face was not quite enough for the boat ride.
3 day trips are SUPER easy to pack for in one bag. I even had space after grabbing the extra flannel. While I am not a fashonista, I do think that each day I had clean clothes and looked presentable. I was able to do what I needed to do as well. We each had one back pack for this trip and our bag of food. Simple and easy to pack in and pack out.
Recommended for Hiking Trips
These are a few of the things that we only bring with us if we are spending time in nature and hiking…which for us is most of the time. Whatever you do- if you go to Crater Lake do not forget the bug spray!
- Bug spray or wipes
- Sunscreen
- Wet Wipes for the tush
- Flash light or headlamp
- Camera and mini tri-pod (of course!)
- A “Day pack” bag that you can throw in your main backpack.
- Reusable Water bottles AND WATER
- New undergarments, socks etc for each major hike. Start fresh.